What is DNA or Genetic testing?

Compiled by Dr Ingrid Artus

Armed with knowledge of your genetic code, health-focused genetic testing can help you make smarter choices and discover more effective solutions to optimise your health and reach your goals.

What is Personalised health?

Every patient is a unique individual that requires unique healthcare interventions. DNA testing allows us to better understand a patient’s response to different diet, lifestyle and supplement choices (nutrigenetics); as well as their response to certain medications (pharmacogenomics).

How can Genetic testing help you achieve your health goals?

Although all living things have DNA made up of the same molecules, it is the order of the letters in the code that makes each organism different. 

The order of building blocks in a strand of DNA makes up a "sequence." We can read a DNA sequence like letters in a book. In fact, we know the sequence of the entire human genome—all 3 billion letters. That's enough information to fill roughly 1,000 200-page books!

All humans have the same genes arranged in the same order. And more than 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same. But the few differences between us (all 1.4 million of them!) are enough to make each one of us unique. On average, a human gene will have 1-3 bases that differ from person to person. These differences can change the shape and function of a protein, or they can change how much protein is made, when it's made, or where it's made.

Contained within the 3 billion letters of the human genome are about 21,000 genes. Most of our known genes code for proteins, but some code for RNA molecules.

You are born with a set of genes that you cannot change during your lifetime. What you can do, is influence the manner in which these genes are expressed (epigenetics). There is a strong relationship between the genes that we carry, and the nutritional, medicinal and lifestyle choices we make.

What are genes?

Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions your body needs to make each of the many thousands of proteins required for life. Each gene is comprised of thousands of combinations of “letters” (called nucleotides) which make up your genetic code. The code gives the instructions to make everything required for proper cellular, organ and bodily function.

For more information about DNA and genes click HERE

What are gene variations?

With the exception of identical twins, all people have small differences (variations) in their genetic code. These differences make each of us unique. 

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) occur when a single nucleotide (building block of DNA) is replaced with another. These changes may cause disease, and may affect how a person reacts to bacteria, proteins, drugs, and other substances. 

In the same way as a single letter variation can profoundly change the meaning of a word, so single nucleotide changes can profoundly affect the function of our genes.

The genetic testing done at the DNAlysis lab analyses for these variations or SNP's in order that a client can support genes where necessary through environmental interventions (epigenetics).

What is nutrigenetics?

Genetic variations can affect the expression of a gene, thereby affecting metabolic processes that are important for maintaining cellular health and how we respond to environmental interventions such as diet, lifestyle, supplements and exercise. 

Knowledge of these genetic variations offers unparalleled insight into your biological systems, allowing your healthcare practitioner to recommend precise interventions aimed at helping you reach your goals and achieve optimal health.

What is DNAlysis and personalised health?

WhaT are the Different Genetic tests available at Westpsych?

DNAlysis offers a variety of genetic tests. Each test focuses on the SNP's involved in a particular biological area of function. These SNP's are chosen based on strict criteria, including the strength of research and whether the genes can be supported through practical interventions.

 Westpsych focuses on the following tests which can be done individually or they can be combined into packages. The testing at Westpsych includes the sample collection, DNAlysis lab testing, a comprehensive report as well as feedback and recommendations with Dr Ingrid. 

Only accredited practitioners may provide feedback on DNAlysis tests.

Gives insight into the functioning of biological areas that influence: neurodegenerative disorders including cognitive decline and late onset Alzheimer’s disease; addictive behaviour; mood regulation such as stress response, anxiety and depression.

Reports on genes involved in: lipid metabolism; bone health; methylation; insulin sensitivity; detoxification; inflammation and oxidative stress; vitamin requirements; gluten and lactose intolerance; caffeine metabolism; salt sensitivity and iron overload disorders.

Analyses genes related to weight management and reports on responsiveness to diet and lifestyle interventions: carbohydrate and saturated fat responsiveness; mono- and poly-unsaturated fat intake; exercise resonsiveness; eating behaviours and effect of circadian rhythms.

Analyses genes which have been shown to have significant associations with: soft tissue injury risk; recovery; power potential; endurance potential; caffeine metabolism; salt sensitivity and peak performance time.

DNAcore combines DNAhealth, DNAdiet and DNAsport into one comprehensive report. 

It reports on gene-environment interactions and provides personalised, easy-to-follow, summarised recommendations on four core areas: key biological processes that impact health and risk for disease, macro- and micro-nutrient requirements as well as risks for food sensitivities and intolerances, weight management insights and exercise responsiveness.

This pharmacogenomics test analyses gene variants that affect drug response and determine how you are likely to respond to certain medications (both therapeutic benefit and risk for side effects) allowing your doctor to make personalised prescriptions where necessary. 

Medcheck reports on ±200 prescription medications. Click on the list below for the medicines that are included. You can carry a concise version of the report with you to your medical appointments.

Reports on seven key molecular areas that have the greatest influence on stress and resilience: neuropeptide Y; oxytocin; neurotrophic pathway; cortisol; norepinephrine; dopamine; serotonin. 

This test determines one’s genetic resilience and provides nutrient and lifestyle strategies to amplify intrinsic strengths and reduce weaknesses.

You can also choose a combination of the DNAlysis genetic tests to suit your particular needs within each life stage.

The most meaningful combination is the DNAmind and DNAcore. For additional information for clients who are on medication, the medcheck can be added as well.

Unlike other biological markers, our genetics do not change. We can however support our gene and optimise gene expression through targeted lifestyles changes. You can have additional tests done at any time, without having to submit another sample.