Dr Annemie Peché

Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, EEG Technician

I am registered with the HPCSA as a Clinical and Neuropsychologist (PS 0012149), as an EEG technician (EE 0001406), and I have an international registration as a neurofeedback clinician (BCIA# 5513), Medicolegal Expert (SAMLA, MiM, Family & Divorce Mediator) and has been in private practice since 1982.

What to expect

The main focus during therapy is to listen more and talk less and zoom into how the client’s nervous system reponds. The client's main difficulties, their needs, and what they foresee gaining from the therapy. I have experience working with clients from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. 

The intake session starts with the main concern that motivated the client to attend therapy. In the case of neurocognitive difficulties, the need for psychometric evaluation will be discussed, including performing an EEG, quantitative EEG, or other psychometric tests as required Attunement with the client, and not only understanding the client's problems but being mindful of the client's neuroception and helping them to self-regulate.

Treatment Approaches and Therapies

I make use of BSP (Brainspotting, and am trained in BSP Levels 1 and 2),  IBBA (Integrative Brain-based therapies), and BWRT® (BrainWorking Recursive Therapy Levels 1 and 2) in conjunction with neurotherapy. During therapy, I focus on the system with which the client presents and will adapt my approach accordingly and also apply IFS (Internal Family Systems) and Parent-Child Interaction.

Specialties and Expertise in Children and Adults


Developmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorders)

Behavioural Issues (Oppositional Defiance Disorder)

Bipolar Disorder

Borderline Personality (BPD)

Intermittent Impulsive Disorder

Dissociative Disorders (Dissociative Identity Disorders)

Education and Learning Disabilities

Emotional Dysregulation (adults and children)

Epilepsy and neurological conditions

Personality Disorders such as OCD

Complex PTSD

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Services rendered

Brain-Based Therapies: BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy), BSP (Brainspotting) IBBA (Integrative Brain-Based Approach)

Routine and Q-EEG assessments

Effects of Recreational Drugs and Dependence Forming Substances on the EEG and Q-EEG


Neuro-Psychological assessments:

Assessments for ADD and ADHD
Routine and Q-EEG
Medico-legal assessments of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) after trauma or motor vehicle accidents;
Medicolegal assessment in medical negligence
Assessments of parents and children in determining the primary residence of children after divorce